The Gleaners Community Kitchen exists because of the generous support we receive from the community. We are truly a community of neighbors helping neighbors.
We are thankful for the support we receive from businesses and individuals, and it is this blend of gifts that keeps us successfully operating today. Consider the donation option that works best for you – the gift of time, money or food.
Volunteer today to make a difference.
Download our Volunteer Application.
Applications can be returned by mail or email (gleanerskitchen@gmail.com) and our Kitchen Manager will contact you.
Monetary donations from the community are a vital part of our funding, and ensure that we can continue with our mission of feeding those in need. Donations and grants are our two main streams of income.
Make a donation today to help us continue our mission of serving daily meals to those in need in our community. Your donations will be used to benefit our guests and to assist with operating expenses.
How to Donate:
By Check- Make Checks Payable to:
Gleaners Community Kitchen
183 North Main Street
Canandaigua, NY 14424
Electronically using PayPal

Contact us if you have questions about donations, or stop by the Kitchen
to drop off food donations between 9:00am-11:00am, Monday through
Friday. Our doors lock at 10:00am. If the doors are locked when you arrive with your donation, call (585)394-4818.
Non-perishable foods: Unopened, in-date (not expired) food products. Food must be store-bought. Click Here to see our wish list of the most urgently needed donations.
Grocery Store Gift Cards: Gift Cards from Aldi's, Tops, Walmart, Wegmans, and are used to purchase food for the kitchen.